What is SoCCS?

SoCCS is an animal charity dedicated to working with communities and businesses to help manage the numerous street cat colonies in and around the Sotogrande area.

We also seek to assist local authorities when there is a need, or when requested to do so.

SoCCS focuses on two tasks:

  • Trap, neuter and release of feral cats to keep cat populations at an acceptable healthy number
  • Feeding cats in established zones to make sure that street cat colonies are healthy and, consequently, an effective natural force to control rats and mice, thus helping minimise the use of poisons that are both cruel to animals and detrimental to the environment

SoCCS does not operate a shelter and is therefore unable to accept cats for rehoming.

Fundraising and Finances

SoCCS is a registered non-profit charity run by a small group of unpaid volunteers who work tirelessly to improve the lives of feral cats.

At this time SoCCS receives no support from any local authorities and relies completely on the funds we raise through memberships and donations to carry out our work in the community. We are immensely grateful for any support we receive!

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."

Mahatma Gandhi

Please note, while we would love to help with all aspects of cat care, SoCCS does not run a refuge and cannot generally assist with injured cats or with rehoming cats. We simply do not have the necessary facilities nor staff to help in this regard. There are several other animal charities in the area that specialize in this kind of work that can help in cases like these.

Donate to SoCCS

There are several ways in which you can donate to help SoCCS! Every little bit goes a long way towards us reaching our TNR (trap, neuter and release) and feeding programme goals.


Donorbox is an easy to use donations system for registered charities with many payment options.


Teaming is a crowd funding tool for raising money to help social causes through micro donations of just 1€ a month.

3Direct Bank Deposit

If you prefer, you can donate directly through our Banco Sabadell account. If you have Internet banking, it's very easy, and you can even set up a recurring donation at whatever interval you choose.

Our bank details are:

Bank: Banco de Sabadell, SA
Name: Asoc. Sotogrande Cat Care Society (SoCCS)
Account: 0081 2083 0000 0113 3723
IBAN: ES37 0081 2083 0000 0113 3723

* Please note that if you live outside the EU you may incur additional wiring fees.

Friends of SoCCS

Coming soon.